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After 15 years of hosting meaningful conversations at Design Observer, we know that the community of support around us is the reason we've been able to continue doing this for as long as we have. As we look forward to the next 15 years of our work, we want to take time to examine what makes this effort unique and where we can focus to serve you even better in the future. Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback.

Sincerely, Jessica Helfand & Michael Bierut

Question Title

* We know that your time is valuable. To incentivize participation, we will be drawing five names to invite to a lunch with our team at Pentagram this spring. [Though we can't provide transportation, we will provide lunch.] If you would like to participate in the drawing, please share your name and contact information. The survey must be complete to be eligible.

If you're not interested in the drawing and wish to remain anonymous, simply click 'next' to begin.

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